Last month, we had our incredibly magical ✨ Hypnotherapy Fantasy Retreat ✨ along the Mendocino coastal hills at Whispertree Retreat, and to say it was a TREAT is an understatement! We experienced such beautiful healing, hypnotherapy under the stars, amazing storytelling, happy tears, friendships, deeep belly laughter and dancing together. Most importantly, we experienced the power of letting Mother Earth hold us while connecting to the land, getting out of our heads and grounding into our hearts. These days, the act of getting to do so can feel like a rare luxury. It seems like we are constantly having to think, analyze or intellectualize our way through our lives. And after getting the chance to experience the complete opposite (being led from our hearts), it’s no wonder so many of us feel unmotivated, anxious, and stuck when we’re so much in our heads. And it’s not that our mind is a bad thing, either. But to allow our mind to take over, where our hearts becomes silent and disconnected can become a root of our unhappiness and anxiety. Especially when our minds are full of worrying or fearful thoughts, limiting beliefs, self- doubt or endless to do lists. It can feel like we never have a break. Being grounded in our hearts was sooo stabilizing and harmonizing. It allowed us to truly slow down and listen more deeply and intently, to our bodies, to the land and each other. We felt connected and joyful. And we also experienced deep renewal from all the letting go of our stress, anxiety and mental obstacles. In Hypnotherapy, we are in the healing state, which helps us naturally let go of those mental obstacles and buzzing to drop into our Inner Wisdom and hearts, so we can feel lighter, more clear, confident and peaceful. Hypnosis is the direct pathway to the subconscious mind, Hypnotherapy reaches the place where our mental anxiety and stress live. When we try to push the 95% of our subconscious mind, from the 5% of our conscious mind, we don’t get very far. Hypnotherapy helps us release mental blocks, obstacles, anxiety and clutter which brings greater harmony to our hearts and minds so they work together to bring us deeper peace and confidence. |
Hypnotherapy in a Nutshell
What is Hypnotherapy?
Ever wondered what hypnotherapy is all about? Imagine being able to tap into the most relaxed and focused version of yourself to tackle life’s challenges. That’s hypnotherapy in a nutshell. Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses hypnosis to help people make positive changes in their lives. Hypnosis is a natural state of deep relaxation and focused attention, where the mind becomes more open to suggestions. In this state, a trained hypnotherapist can guide someone to address issues like stress, anxiety, pain, or bad habits.
Where does Hypnotherapy come from?
Hypnotherapy might sound like something new, but it has roots that go back thousands of years. Ancient cultures, like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese, used trance-like states for healing and spiritual rituals. The word “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word “hypnos,” which means sleep. But it’s important to know that being hypnotized is not the same as sleeping.
In the 1700s, an Austrian doctor named Franz Mesmer started using a technique he called “mesmerism,” which was an early form of hypnosis. Even though his ideas about “animal magnetism” were later proven wrong, his work helped spark interest in hypnosis. By the 1800s, scientists like James Braid began studying hypnosis more seriously and gave it its name.
In the 1900s, a psychiatrist named Milton Erickson developed new techniques that showed how hypnosis could be used effectively in therapy. Thanks to his work and that of many others, hypnotherapy is now seen as a helpful way to complement traditional medical and psychological treatments. Today, many people use hypnotherapy to improve their mental and physical health.
What is hypnosis?
Imagine being able to switch off the chaos of everyday life and enter a state of calm focus where your mind is open to positive change. That’s hypnosis! It’s not magic or mind control; it’s a natural state that we all experience daily. Think about when you’re so engrossed in a good book or a movie that you lose track of time- that’s a bit like being in a hypnotic state.
What is the Science behind Hypnosis?
When you’re in a hypnotic state, your brainwaves slow down, much like when you’re daydreaming or just about to drift off to sleep. This relaxed state is called the theta state, where your subconscious mind becomes more accessible. Your subconscious mind is like a powerful computer running in the background, controlling many of your behaviors and responses without you even realizing it.
This is where the magic of hypnotherapy happens. By accessing your subconscious, a hypnotherapist can help rewire your brain, replacing negative patterns with positive ones. It’s kind of like updating the software on your phone but for your mind.
How does Hypnotherapy influence our mind?
Well, our brain has a part that’s like a sponge, soaking up all the stories we hear about ourselves and the world around us. Hypnotherapy uses this to help us rewrite those stories. It’s like having a heart-to-heart with your inner superhero, getting them ready to take on anything.
Whether it’s feeling more confident, facing fears, or kicking bad habits, hypnosis can help you tap into your inner strength.
So, next time you’re watching a superhero movie or reading about someone incredible, remember: you’ve got that same power inside you. Hypnotherapy is just one tool to unlock it and start your own amazing journey.
Time Travel Through the New Year
The Mythology of Your Life
Old Myths, New Faces
The Shadow Out of Time
Towards a Personal Mythos
Dreaming Awake
- Keep a Dream Journal – Keeping a Dream Journal is an easy way to train your subconscious mind to pay attention to your dreams. It sends a signal to your brain that dreaming is important to you and that you want to remember your dreams. Start simple. Keep a notepad or journal by your bedside. You can even use the electronic notepad on your phone if you find it convenient. Write down whatever is on your mind when you wake up, even if you don’t remember your dreams that night.
- Perform Reality-Checks – Reality-checks are anything that might alert you to the fact that you’re dreaming. One of the simplest techniques is the Light Switch Technique. Flip a light switch on and off. If you’re dreaming, it won’t work. (Seriously, try it). Another technique involves willing a number or letter you see to change. Look at a clock for instance, note the time, look away and look back. If you’re dreaming the number will be different (Not just one minute different either). These techniques are likely to induce a realization that you’re dreaming. In order to integrate them into your subconscious, you should perform three reality checks a day while you’re sure you’re awake. Try one at each meal. This way it will integrate into your subconscious and eventually you will do a reality check while you actually are dreaming.
- Hypnotherapy Assistance – Hypnotherapy can be used to induce a state similar, if not exactly the same, as the dream state. The state of hypnosis acts on a similar subconscious level and during hypnotherapy sessions, dream recall can be achieved. Further, the mind can have obstacles to lucid dreaming removed – and the paths to lucid dreaming and dream recall opened – through Ericksonian style hypnotherapy.
- Stay Grounded – It’s important not to get too excited when you realize you’re lucid dreaming. Your mind will have a tendency to become very excited when you realize you’ve achieved a lucid dream state. This excitement will usually wake you up. If you can become familiar with this state you can learn to be in it without the mind becoming overly excited. From there, the dream is yours!
The Soft Strength of Water
Why You Should Know Your Neighbors
Abolish Anxiety April
Abolish Anxiety
Here at Sacramento Hypnotherapy we’re set on abolishing anxiety. That’s why we’ve declared this month Abolish Anxiety April! Our focus this month is on anxiety – that pesky uninvited guest that seems to turn up for so many of us when it’s least welcome.
Anxiety can be crippling, and for those of us who deal with it, it’s more than a matter of just “letting go” or “getting over it.” Anxiety can arise for a variety of reasons, and sometimes medication is a useful tool. However, sometimes medication doesn’t work and sometimes medications have unwanted side-effects.
The cause of anxiety can be chemical imbalance inthe brain, past-trauma, or repeated patterns of self-doubt brought on for a number of reasons. Hypnotherapy is a very effective tool for overcoming, and ultimately abolishing anxiety from your life.
Anxiety Myths & Facts
- Myth: Anxiety disorders are not very common.
- Fact: A little over 18 percent of American adults – nearly one in five – experience some type of anxiety disorder in any given year (NIMH, 2013).
- Myth: If you have an anxiety disorder, it is important to avoid stress and situations that make you feel ‘stressed.’
- Fact: Avoiding anxiety tends to reinforce it. People can be anxious and still do whatever they have to do with proper treatment. (ADAA, 2014).
How can we help you with anxiety? We would love to answer questions for you . You can email us by responding to this email, or give us a call today to find out more at 916-549-5109.